If you wish to enquire about places in our Pre-School, please complete the questionnaire by clicking below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Our Pre-school
The Pre-school is set within the grounds of St Peter’s Primary School. It has its own self- contained outdoor play area but also has the use of the school grounds, including the Forest School area.
Our staff are fully trained and experienced. Many of the staff moved from the Pre-school’s previous location at Honywood School. The teacher manager of the Pre-school is Mrs Amy Claydon. The Deputy Manager is Mrs Alison Page. All of the staff are employed directly by St Peter’s School and have completed all of the required Safeguarding training and checks.
The children registered at the Pre-school are on the school roll. They are not automatically offered a place at the Primary School. Our admissions are managed by Essex County Council and application would still need to be made for a place by the date specified.
However, the location of the Pre-school enhances transition, with the children being familiar with staff and the school premises. The Pre-school is part of the Primary School. Therefore, Pre-school parents become part of the school community with access to communications and links with the school governors and PTA.
The Pre-school is well equipped. The classroom has a cloakroom, toilets and kitchen area. We have developed the outdoor area and increased the overall capacity.
Families have access to Tapestry when their children start with us. This is an online tracking and assessment tool which can be accessed at home. We encourage families to share information about their child’s learning via Tapestry. Equally, we will share information about the learning that has taken place during the session. For children moving into our Reception classes the use of Tapestry will continue through the Reception year.
At St Peter’s Preschool we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5-years-old.
There are seven areas of Learning and Development within EYFS. Whilst all are important and inter-connected, the framework splits learning into three ‘Prime Areas’ and four ‘Specific Areas’.
The Prime Areas are fundamental to igniting a child’s curiosity and building their capacity to learn. These are: Communication and Language; Physical Development; and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
The Specific Areas strengthen and apply the Prime Areas. These are: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; and Expressive Art and Design.
When planning adult led activities we often follow a theme while also carefully thinking about the children’s interests. We also consider each individual child’s next steps and will provide play opportunities to support and develop their learning in these areas.
A typical day in Preschool
We offer a range of session times. A morning session begins at 8-30am and finishes at 11-30am, there is the option to add lunch club until 12-30pm. We can offer a school dinner if ordered in advance. An afternoon session is 12-30pm until 3-30pm and you can add lunch club from 11-30 until 12-30pm. The children thrive on routine and are happiest when they know what to expect. Each session the children enter the classroom, find their coat peg and put away their lunch box and bottle if staying for lunch. We start the session with 'circle time' to provide opportunities for the children to learn how to listen, interact, speak , watch and participate. This could involve stories, games, singing and a discussion of the learning opportunities within the session. The staff are always on hand to help with anything if needed and promote independence as each child becomes more confident. The classroom will be set up with a variety of activities to choose from. The children will be encouraged to self-register and match their name and picture. When all children have arrived and settled there is a combination of child and adult led activities happening in both our indoor and outdoor classroom. The children have the choice of free flow play opportunities and we encourage the children to grow and explore through play.
In both the morning and afternoon sessions the children are offered a healthy snack and a choice of milk or water.
The Keyworker
At Preschool each child has a key person who:
- Develops a strong bond with your child, allowing them to play freely and confidently whilst feeling safe and self-assured.
- plans quality activities and learning experiences based on your child’s individual needs.
- Builds a strong, collaborative partnership with parents.
- Support for transitions to school.
- Records, tracks and celebrates your child’s progress with you through Tapestry, our online learning journals.
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