St Peter’s Primary C of E School is a Church School and we therefore maintain a clear Christian ethos. As the local primary school we aim to respect, understand and welcome everyone regardless of their culture and faith.
St Peter’s Primary C of E School Curriculum Plan takes its fundamental objectives and aims from the National Curriculum 2014 document and also provides planned opportunities that make up the wider curriculum resulting in a vibrant and highly enriched curriculum
We believe that the School Curriculum should be broad and balanced, offering children the opportunity to achieve success all areas. The plan has been devised to allow teachers to plan and deliver exciting and engaging learning experiences for the pupils within their classes. We follow a theme-based approach to learning, in the belief that children learn best when logical connections are made between different aspects of their work to provide the children with a broad range of skills and knowledge-based learning each term. We embed purposeful, real life experiences and opportunities for learning outside the classroom within the planning to provide enrichment opportunities. The themes take their lead from the Key Stage 1 and 2 Programmes of Study. We aim to follow the children’s interests and levels of knowledge, linked to an understanding of their place in the world. Therefore, the theme planning is dynamic as the term progresses. When appropriate we will teach some of the foundation subjects in blocks to ensure a depth of learning and the coverage of objectives within all of the subject areas. To celebrate the learning that takes place we plan for authentic outcomes and opportunities to share their knowledge and understanding with others.
We believe passionately in giving the children ownership of their learning. We support our children in becoming ‘aspirational’ – aiming high – in order to make the most of their learning opportunities. We encourage them to challenge themselves and to develop a positive mindset, learning from and valuing mistakes. We recognise that opportunities to revisit and practise skills and knowledge help to embed them in long term memory. We believe that if they enjoy and achieve success in their learning they will continue as life long learners, seeing the importance of curiosity and creative learning as a part of their life experience.
Teaching and learning is matched to a range of learning styles; is differentiated to match ability and makes the most of our developing provision in ICT to support this. St Peter's is an inclusive school. We welcome all learners in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and our curriculum is accessible to children with SEND, in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
The English Programme of study is used to complement the teaching of other subjects but its fundamental aim is to raise pupil attainment in spoken language, reading, writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Mathematics is taught as a discrete subject. In addition, teachers plan opportunities to use a range of strategies to develop pupil’s understanding of the subject through other subject areas.
The teaching of British Values underpins the curriculum and is embedded in P.S.H.E, Citizenship, R.E and whole school assemblies
St Peter’s Primary School believes in an active partnership between school, pupil and home. We view parents and carers as integral to the educational success of their children. As such, we aim to foster strong links with all adults involved in our children's care. We provide regular opportunities for parents and carers to come into the school environment and celebrate their children's learning.
These opportunities include celebrations, class assemblies and learning workshops for parents and carers on subjects including; developing early literacy skills; approaches to mathematical calculations and assessment and monitoring procedures across the school. We also offer a termly ‘Parents Forum’ when we address current issues such as our revised Behaviour Policy and give parents and carers the opportunity to ask questions or find out further information about our school.
Our aims are that the children will:
- Acquire knowledge, skills, understanding and practical abilities linked to the creative curriculum with the motivation to use them
- Participate in activities which give them the opportunity to deepen and enrich their learning
- Develop qualities of mind, body, feeling and imagination
- Develop positive learning behaviours built on the principles of metacognition and be able to identify and articulate learning behaviours
- Extend the effective use of language
- Develop the effective use of number
- Appreciate human achievement in all areas of activity including art, music, science, literature and technology
- Acquire an understanding of the social, economic and political nature of society
- Help develop the full potential of individuals for their lives at home, at work, at leisure, in the community and as active empowered participants in society
- Develop a sense of self-value and self-respect and to understand and respect the right to social and cultural differences amongst others and recognise the core British Values
- Experience a wide range of enrichment activities including cultural and educational visits and visitors.
- Have the opportunity to perform to others and share their work.
For more information about our curriculum please see the plans in the sections below. We offer tours of the school for prospective parents. If you have a child already in the school, please look out for our Newsletters, emails, parent workshops and Facebook posts which include information about our learning. We would also encourage you to make an appointment with your child's teacher if you wish to discuss particular aspects of the curriculum.