School expansion

30th September 2024

As many of you are aware, there was a public consultation in May regarding the school expansion buiding project. Following consultation, many changes are being considered by Essex County Council. While it is great that ECC are making changes to ensure we get the best possible building, this has meant there are significant delays in getting started.

Plans are still being discussed and so there are no updates to share at present.

15th July 2024

As you will be aware, the Local Authority have proposed that we expand our school numbers from 45 to 60 children. They are aiming for this to take effect from September 2025 (starting with our Reception class).

In order for this to happen, they will need to undertake building works to accomodate the additional children.

We had anticipated that works could start as earlier as this summer. However, we have now had notice that the Local Authority are running significantly behind schedule. Therefore, it is unlikely that any building works will start before December 2024, if not later.

I will share more information as it becomes available.

24th May 2024 - Please see notice below from Essex County Council

Essex County Council are inviting you to participate in a consultation relating to proposed new teaching block, kitchen expansion and additional car park works with St Peter's CEVC Primary School.

Essex County Council, as the Education Authority, proposes to build a new teaching block, expand the existing kitchen and carry out car parking works at the existing school.  This project will provide brand new learning accomodation and facilities for children and pupils and provide a stimulating educational environment for all users. The project design team has been developing a proposal with St Peter's leadership team that would meet educational need and fits well on the school site.

We would like to invite you to an online exhibition to see the outline proposals and to have your say before the proposals are completed for submission to the County Planning Authority as a full planning application. There will be comment forms on the website that we would ask are completed so that we can capture and consider the views prior to the submission of the planning application.

The online exhibition will be availabel from 28th May to 11th June 2024 and can be found at the following links:

  • QR code:

A summary of the pre-application consultation responses will also accompany the submitted application.

If you have any questions in the meantime, or are unable to visit the website and would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Sponsor:

Simon Kerr

[email protected] 

13th May 2024 - update to parents on school newsletter

As you will be aware, the Local Authority have proposed expanding our intake from 45 children each year to 60 children each year, ideally starting in September 2025. Preschool places would increase from 18 to 30 full-time equivalent spaces. In order to accomodate these additional children, they would need to carry out some building work at the school. Although this building project has not gone to the planning phase yet, the Local Authority had originally hoped that the work could potentially start over the summer holidays - 2024.

The exact timeline and the details for the project are still being worked out by the Local Authority, the architects and the contractors. The current proposal is for the additional building to be on the Key Stage 1 playground, incorportating preschool and two additional classrooms, as well as a studio, a library area and a SEND room/office. There will be also be an additional room for which we have yet to decide its purpose.

As you can imagine, there is lots for us to think about as a school, and I am in contact with the Local Authority to ensure that our needs are taken into account throughout the process. I am in a fortunate position to have a solid team around me with expertise in both the construction and the finance elements.

When the building work starts, we will need to consider the impact this will have on our daily running of the school - particularly with regard to drop-off and pick-up. As soon as I am in a position to share more information, I will do so.

There is predicted to be continued pressure on primary school places in Coggeshall and additional places will be required in the area from 2025 onwards.

In response to this growth in demand, the school has been working with the Local Authority to explore expanding the school from 315 places (45 places per year group) to 420 places (60 places per year group) from September 2025.

We would welcome your views, and further information in the document: school expansion consultation document.  In addition, the Local Authority have arranged a drop-in session, at the school, on Monday 12th February between 3.15pm and 6pm, for anyone wanting further details, no appointment is needed.

The consultation will run from 5th February until 11th March.

St Peter's CE Primary School - expansion consultation document